Saturday morning, 50F, overcast and windy from the west.
I loaded up all my digiscoping gear and plodded off down the drive. I was certainly aware that I had added 13lbs or 6+ kg to my usual load of camera and binoculars. It didn't feel too bad on my shoulders but my footfalls were obviously heavier. I wore my walking boots as usual because I intended to go off road once I reached my exit.
No sign of any ducks, herons, coots or grebes! Last year there were over one hundred young and adult mallards on the water. Plus an assortment of different ducks and other water birds.
I found it very easy to drop the two legs of the Manfrotto tripod before removing the pack. The leg latches are very easy to reach and use. The upper leg sections slide out smoothly.
The lower sections are more reluctant to drop naturally due to having much less weight for gravity to work on but are nicely smooth. Remember to drop the lower sections first while the latches can still be easily reached! Duly noted for the future.
The lower sections are more reluctant to drop naturally due to having much less weight for gravity to work on but are nicely smooth. Remember to drop the lower sections first while the latches can still be easily reached! Duly noted for the future.
Lessons learned: The Vortex Razor "stay on" bag/case is absolute garbage. I knew this already but had fitted it to protect the telescope on my first proper, outdoor trial. It will be removed in future and hurled as far across the garden as I can possibly manage. To become a habitat for whatever wildlife takes its fancy. It would be a grave disservice to any buyer if I advertised it for sale. Garbage belongs in the garbage can.
With the "stay-on" bag fitted it is IMPOSSIBLE to unlock or lock the eyepiece in the telescope body. Garbage design! The eyepiece locking ring is stiff to turn, tapered and curved, smooth plastic. So already difficult to grip to be able to turn it. Very poor design without a single thought being put into the final compromise for the user!
Extending or fully retracting the objective shield is near impossible with the "stay on" bag in place! Another good reason for leaving the garbage bag at home. Though that raises the difficulty of using the horrible rubber lens plug. More garbage! This thick rubber disk weighs about a pound and is very difficult to fit or remove. More garbage!
I shall use only the elasticated, padded "nosebag" of the "stay-on" bag to protect the objective in future! Difficult as it is to fit. I just checked and the plastic buckles on the "nosebag" elastic straps can easily get trapped between the padding and the precious objective lens! I'm definitely going over to fitting socks over the lenses! And now have.
I shall use only the elasticated, padded "nosebag" of the "stay-on" bag to protect the objective in future! Difficult as it is to fit. I just checked and the plastic buckles on the "nosebag" elastic straps can easily get trapped between the padding and the precious objective lens! I'm definitely going over to fitting socks over the lenses! And now have.
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